Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Going Nowhere - a poem

Going Nowhere


I pop the lid and stare inside

the plastic jar holds more or less

enough for me to take this ride

my first, my last, a wax-winged flight

I've left a note, I  leave tonight. 

Michael Calvert

Non-Facebook Status Update

Okay folks, it's been awhile--thought I'd throw you a bone here! lol!  Well, life as a student has been interesting to say the least.  I completed a grueling six courses during the spring semester and told myself I'd never do that again!  Well, this fall I once again enrolled in (you guessed it) six courses.  That's a lot by the way--especially for an old guy!  Some good things have begun to happen though: I was published in a local magazine; here's the story link   I also won the Barry Broadfoot Award for integrity in Creative Writing and Journalism.  It's an award given through VIU and had a $500.00 cheque attached to it. (And who can't use 500 bucks?)  I have many projects on the go and I still have not decided which avenue of writing I will end up pursuing.  No rush, I'm still young.
I have maintained a 'Dean's List' standing through my first two years with a GPA of 4.0 + (I hope this means I have a shot to make it as a writer when I get out!)  Not that there are many jobs out there for us writerly-types, but as agents of creativity, we like to dream there are. Who knows?  I may even venture into the realm of 'Master's Degree' if I'm up to it when I finish the next two years.

 I am beginning an internship in January with a local magazine, here is their website:   I haven't written anything for them yet, but hopefully that'll happen in the spring issue. 

The school newpaper, The Navigator, did a profile piece on me last week and it came out today.  I never got around to picking up a paper when I was at school today, but I'm anxious to see how it turned out when I go back Friday.  I am going to throw a couple of pieces on the Wattpad site, so if you haven't signed up to read my work there, then I suggest you do so. The link is on the upper left.  I will post a poem on my blog after this just because I  haven't put anything up in a while.
Hope all is well with every one of my dozen followers!  Haha!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Here we go again!

Well 2011 is upon us!  The Christmas holidays have flow past as quickly as ever and we now embark on a new year.  I personally gave up on resolutions many years ago, the combination of my lacking willpower and selective memory made them lost causes scant moments after they were uttered.  Saying that, however, I have decided (over the course of the last couple of months) that if I am going to proceed with my writing endeavour, I must put a good deal of focus on goals I wish to achieve.  To that point, I am going to try and hermit myself somewhat more than normal in order to spend more time hunched over my keyboard.  This will hopefully see more works produced in the coming year.  I have no intention of ever producing the eight or so pages a day someone like Stephen King reports to put out, but one page would be a great start for the first couple of years.  I am also going to submit some of my pieces for publication in the coming year, this also has been a plan for the last couple of months so again does not qualify as a New Year's resolution!  I will keep you all posted with the abundance of weary rejection letters I am sure to be flooded with! lol!  P.S. many of my stories will be posted on (under MichaelJohnCalvert) all one word.  If you become a fan, you will recieve updates when I put new stories up.  I hope the coming year is great to you all, my friends!