Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Going Nowhere - a poem

Going Nowhere


I pop the lid and stare inside

the plastic jar holds more or less

enough for me to take this ride

my first, my last, a wax-winged flight

I've left a note, I  leave tonight. 

Michael Calvert

Non-Facebook Status Update

Okay folks, it's been awhile--thought I'd throw you a bone here! lol!  Well, life as a student has been interesting to say the least.  I completed a grueling six courses during the spring semester and told myself I'd never do that again!  Well, this fall I once again enrolled in (you guessed it) six courses.  That's a lot by the way--especially for an old guy!  Some good things have begun to happen though: I was published in a local magazine; here's the story link   I also won the Barry Broadfoot Award for integrity in Creative Writing and Journalism.  It's an award given through VIU and had a $500.00 cheque attached to it. (And who can't use 500 bucks?)  I have many projects on the go and I still have not decided which avenue of writing I will end up pursuing.  No rush, I'm still young.
I have maintained a 'Dean's List' standing through my first two years with a GPA of 4.0 + (I hope this means I have a shot to make it as a writer when I get out!)  Not that there are many jobs out there for us writerly-types, but as agents of creativity, we like to dream there are. Who knows?  I may even venture into the realm of 'Master's Degree' if I'm up to it when I finish the next two years.

 I am beginning an internship in January with a local magazine, here is their website:   I haven't written anything for them yet, but hopefully that'll happen in the spring issue. 

The school newpaper, The Navigator, did a profile piece on me last week and it came out today.  I never got around to picking up a paper when I was at school today, but I'm anxious to see how it turned out when I go back Friday.  I am going to throw a couple of pieces on the Wattpad site, so if you haven't signed up to read my work there, then I suggest you do so. The link is on the upper left.  I will post a poem on my blog after this just because I  haven't put anything up in a while.
Hope all is well with every one of my dozen followers!  Haha!